To execute the examples shown in this vignette, load the package:
Chronological data are stored in a table. Each row represents a chron (a chronological unit of any kind). The columns store the information of the chron. The basic information of a chron is:
is the chron defined for? (This
must not necessarily be a geographical region but can also be e.g. a
reference or any other kind of overarching category)name
within the chronological system to be
.The parameter add
is required for plotting the chart.
ChronochRt offers the option to plot an add
chronological column for each region to include e.g. long and short
chronologies of regions, or competing chronological systems. Setting the
variable add
of a chron to TRUE
signals ChronochRt to plot this chron in the additional column
of the same region.
These six variables are essential for the package and therefore cannot be renamed. When you import or convert a data set, you will have to indicate their corresponding columns in the data set. It is possible to store additional variables in the chrons, such as information to change e.g. the position and angle of the chron’s names or additional information, useful for further work with the data set.
Years BCE are indicated by negative start
dates, e.g. -100
corresponds to 100 BCE
and 100 to 100 A.D., respectively. The package can handle the year
In ChronochRt, each chron is independently evaluated. Consequently, all parameters listed above need to be stored for every single chron. It is indispensable that start and end date are identical to the preceding and subsequent chron as well as subchrons starting or ending in the same year. This feature allows the package to plot interruptions and hiatus in the chronological sequence, like the abandonment of settlements or entire regions (see example below). At the same time it simplifies the structure of the chronological data, as each chron stands for itself.
This example highlights the structure of a chronological dataset,
called chrons
, with a x-axis included for educational
chrons <- add_chron(
region = c("region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = A", "region = B", "region = B", "region = B"),
name = c("level = 1\nadd =\nFALSE", "level = 2\nadd =\nFALSE", "level = 3\nadd =\nFALSE", "level = 4\nadd =\nFALSE", "level = 5\nadd =\nFALSE","level = 1\nadd =\nTRUE","level = 2\nadd =\nTRUE","level = 2\nadd =\nTRUE", "add =\nTRUE", "level = 3", "add = TRUE", "level = 4", "level = 1\nadd = FALSE", "level = 2\nadd = FALSE", "level = 3\nadd = FALSE"),
start = c(-500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -400, -400, 0, 0, "200/200", "200/200", "275_325", -500, -500, -500),
end = c(500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 400, -50, 400, "200/200", 400, "275_325", 400, 500, 500, 500),
level = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3),
new_table = TRUE)
# How does it look like?
#> # A tibble: 15 × 6
#> region name start end level add
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
#> 1 region = A "level = 1\nadd =\nFALSE" -500 500 1 FALSE
#> 2 region = A "level = 2\nadd =\nFALSE" -500 500 2 FALSE
#> 3 region = A "level = 3\nadd =\nFALSE" -500 500 3 FALSE
#> 4 region = A "level = 4\nadd =\nFALSE" -500 500 4 FALSE
#> 5 region = A "level = 5\nadd =\nFALSE" -500 500 5 FALSE
#> 6 region = A "level = 1\nadd =\nTRUE" -400 400 1 TRUE
#> 7 region = A "level = 2\nadd =\nTRUE" -400 -50 2 TRUE
#> 8 region = A "level = 2\nadd =\nTRUE" 0 400 2 TRUE
#> 9 region = A "add =\nTRUE" 0 200/200 3 TRUE
#> 10 region = A "level = 3" 200/200 400 3 TRUE
#> 11 region = A "add = TRUE" 200/200 275_325 4 TRUE
#> 12 region = A "level = 4" 275_325 400 4 TRUE
#> 13 region = B "level = 1\nadd = FALSE" -500 500 1 FALSE
#> 14 region = B "level = 2\nadd = FALSE" -500 500 2 FALSE
#> 15 region = B "level = 3\nadd = FALSE" -500 500 3 FALSE
Admittedly, the name
s of the chrons are not
pretty but they are intended to show that the information of each
chron is directly mirrored in the plot and can be reconstructed
from it.
Each region is plotted independently. Within a region, all
chrons with add = FALSE
will be evenly scaled
according to the maximum level
, e.g. in region A in the
add = FALSE
-column the maximum level
is 5,
hence, all chrons will be 1/5 wide. Similarly in region B, the
maximum level
is 3, consequently all chrons are 1/3
wide. This essentially transform the x-axis into percentages, allowing
to easily add additional labels or customise the position and angle of
the chrons’ names. Likewise, all chrons in the
add = TRUE
-column are displayed with their x-value shifted
by 1, i.e. they are plotted between 1 and 2.
If not all chrons are further subdivided, empty space is filled
by the rightmost chrons. However, by default the names of
chrons from the same level will be placed on the same x-value.
In complex charts this increases readability and ensures appropriate
space for additional labels, even if it can produce odd looking empty
space in small plots (see above).
and end
datesUnclear start
and end
dates can be
displayed in two ways: as dashed horizontal lines or as solid diagonal
lines. The dashed horizontal lines between two chrons appears
when the respective start
and/or end
date of a
chron are coded as "300/300"
, indicating that they
cannot be stated precisely. The diagonal lines are coded with as
and indicate a transition of a known duration
between two periods. The reasons for unclear or vague transitions are
manifold. To name a few: the transition between two chronological units
or strata are blurred, sites within a region yield different dates for
the same transition, transitions are not always clearly expressed in the
material record, or it is debated whether this transition exists.
To indicate a transition period, its start
date are given, e.g. "50/100"
. For a distinct date, the both years are the same.
For example, "100/100"
would result in a single horizontal
dashed line.
Does the order of the dates matter? Lets play around by using a
different region
for the different combinations (using
to modify their default alphabetical
order in the plot):
data <- add_chron(region = "earlier/later",
name = c("1", "2", "1a", "1b"),
start = c(-100, "50/100", -100, "-25_25"),
end = c("50/100", 200, "-25_25", "50/100"),
level = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
add = FALSE,
new_table = TRUE) %>%
add_chron(region = "later/earlier",
name = c("1", "2", "1a", "1b"),
start = c(-100, "100/50", -100, "25_-25"),
end = c("100/50", 200, "25_-25", "100/50"),
level = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
add = FALSE,
new_table = FALSE) %>%
add_chron(region = "mixed",
name = c("1", "2", "1a", "1b"),
start = c(-100, "50/100", -100, "-25_25"),
end = c("50/100", 200, "25_-25", "100/50"),
level = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
add = FALSE,
new_table = FALSE) %>%
add_chron(region = "same",
name = c("1", "2", "1a", "1b"),
start = c(-100, "100/100", -100, "25_25"),
end = c("100/100", 200, "25_25", "100/100"),
level = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
add = FALSE,
new_table = FALSE) %>%
arrange_regions(order = c("earlier/later", "later/earlier", "same", "mixed"))
Their order matters: Diagonal lines are always drawn from the first to the second value and changing the order will result in a different orientation. Dashed lines do not depend on the order that much. However, consistency matters because mixed orders can result in a failure to recognize the true end of the period. Additionally, the vertical position of the labels are based on the first value.
Custom labels are optional and hence are stored in an independent data set. Custom text can be placed anywhere on the chronological chart to indicate e.g. special events. As indicated before, it is assumed that they will predominantly appear on the right side of a chronological column, therefore they are right-aligned by default.
Custom labels are recorded with the function
. It needs to be specified in which
it should be plotted, the year
should be placed, its position
on the x-axis and the
’s text. As the axis scaled from 0 to 1, the value
needs to be between 0 and 1 (or 2 if both columns are used):
text <- add_label_text(region = "earlier/later",
year = 50,
position = 0.95,
label = "This date in front of the /.",
new = TRUE)
text <- add_label_text(data = text,
region = "later/earlier",
year = 100,
position = 0.9,
label = "This date in\nfront of the /.",
new = FALSE) %>%
add_label_text(region = "mixed",
year = 75,
position = 0.75,
label = "Both dates are\nin front of the /.",
new = FALSE)
text <- add_label_text(data = text,
region = "same",
year = 100,
position = c(0.4, 0.9),
label = "same", new = FALSE)
plot_chronochrt(data, labels_text = text)
Likewise, image labels are added by add_label_images()
This function works exactly the same, with taking the path to the image
(web address or path to a file on your computer) instead of the text. It
can handle raster and vector files:
image <- add_label_image(region = "earlier/later",
year = 50,
position = 0.5,
image_path = "",
new = TRUE) %>%
add_label_image(region = "same",
year = 0,
position = 0.5,
image_path = "",
new = FALSE)
plot_chronochrt(data, labels_image = image)
#> Warning: ImageMagick was built without librsvg which causes poor qualty of SVG rendering.
#> For better results use image_read_svg() which uses the rsvg package.
ChronochRt builds upon the tidyverse environment. Hence its functions
can be seamlessly integrated into e.g. pipes (as seen in some examples,
look for the pipe
operator %>%
). Likewise,
returns a ggplot2-object, which can be
easily enhanced afterwards by e.g. more complex designs using the
operator. As an example, the first plot in this vignette
was created with the following code to display the usually omitted
plot_chronochrt(chrons, size_chrons = 4, line_break = 20) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = NULL, breaks = seq(0, 2, 0.1), minor_breaks = NULL, expand = c(0,0)) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(),
axis.ticks.x = ggplot2::element_line())
However, it is strongly recommended to use the geoms provided by ChronochRt for the compilation of more complex design (see chapter “ChronochRt for advanced R users”).
The examples shown in this vignette contain some “tricks”, which might facilitate the usage of ChronochRt. They are not features of ChronochRt but of R and the packages ChronochRt builds upon (see above).
instead of a space where the text
should be wrapped (spaces at the end of lines will result in unclean
text alignment). If the chronological data is imported from an Excel
file, text wrapping can be implemented in Excel by inserting line breaks
with the combination Alt + Return
(Windows) and
Control + Command + Enter
Control + Option + Enter
(Mac).Although plot_chronochRt()
provides some basic options
for the customisation and export of the generated graph, they might not
always be sufficient and allows significantly less control how the
different elements are placed in the chronological chart and how it is
designed. For these reasons, ChronochRt provides two geoms. The
will convert the and
. While
transforms a set of chrons into
a chronological chart, geom_chronochRtImage()
is handling
the placement of images. To create a chronological chart as shown in the
examples above, they must be combined with a faceting function from and,
for the text labels, with the geom_text()
, all from the
package ggplot2.
Consequently, the general code will be similar to:
Putting it into practice to reproduce the last example yields:
plot <- ggplot() +
geom_chronochRt(data = data, mapping = aes(region = region, name = name, start = start, end = end, level = level, add = add)) +
geom_text(data = text, aes(x = position, y = year, label = label)) +
geom_chronochRtImage(data = image, aes(x = position, y = year, image_path = image_path)) +
facet_grid(cols = vars(region))
#> Warning: ImageMagick was built without librsvg which causes poor qualty of SVG rendering.
#> For better results use image_read_svg() which uses the rsvg package.
Set the general design with the theme_chronochrt()
plot + theme_chronochrt()
#> Warning: ImageMagick was built without librsvg which causes poor qualty of SVG rendering.
#> For better results use image_read_svg() which uses the rsvg package.
However, some fine tuning is still required. By default, the axes are expanded. Additionally, the first example indicates, that the default faceting of ggplot2 is not optimal:
ggplot() +
geom_chronochRt(data = chrons, mapping = aes(region = region, name = name, start = start, end = end, level = level, add = add)) +
facet_grid(cols = vars(region)) +
Therefore, some additional arguments and functions must be provided to obtain the desired layout:
ggplot() +
geom_chronochRt(data = chrons, mapping = aes(region = region, name = name, start = start, end = end, level = level, add = add)) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(name = "Year", expand = c(0,0)) +
facet_grid(cols = vars(region), scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") +
And for the example with the image labels, the code now looks like:
ggplot() +
geom_chronochRt(data = data, mapping = aes(region = region, name = name, start = start, end = end, level = level, add = add)) +
geom_text(data = text, aes(x = position, y = year, label = label)) +
geom_chronochRtImage(data = image, aes(x = position, y = year, image_path = image_path)) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(name = "Year", expand = c(0,0)) +
facet_grid(cols = vars(region), scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") +
#> Warning: ImageMagick was built without librsvg which causes poor qualty of SVG rendering.
#> For better results use image_read_svg() which uses the rsvg package.
Although this approach might seem cumbersome at first, it provides all the freedom for the construction and design of a chronological chart that a regular ggplot2 object offers, like adding other geoms and using other themes:
points <- data.frame(x = seq(0, 2, 0.5),
y = seq(-500,-100, 100))
ggplot() +
geom_chronochRt(data = chrons, aes(region = region, name = NULL, start = start, end = end, level = level, add = add)) +
geom_point(data = points, aes(x = x, y = y), size = 5, colour = "red") +
facet_grid(cols = vars(region), scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") +